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Some Tips For You !

Blog & News.

Since its foundation the company has doubled its turnover year on year, with its staff numbers swelling accordingly. Today Yellow Hats has over 4,000 professionals on its payroll. The company is active in Middle East, CIS, Europe and all over the world.

Yellow Hats has a team of specialists capable of maximizing the result and delivering projects of any complexity and scope. Our employees are acclaimed experts in such areas as project construction, management, technology.

Realizzazione impianti in Pannello Pre-isolato

Realizzazioni con pannello pre-isolato con trattamento auto-pulente ed anti-microbico per rispondere alle esigenze in ambito sanitario ed ambienti con...
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Realizzazione impianti in Lamiera zincata

Realizzazione impianti secondo la normativa vigente UNI – EN 13779 : 2003 e successive integrazioni, con materie prime certificate con grammatur...
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What We Can Do ?

Our Services.

Yellow Hats is a leading developer of A-grade commercial, industrial and residential
projects in USA. Since its foundation the company has doubled its turnover year on
year, with its staff numbers swelling accordingly.

01MT – DUCT®


03Realizzazione Rivestimenti in Lamierino d’Alluminio

04Realizzazione di isolamento con elastomeri, fibre minerali, rivestimenti REI

05Condotte Preisolate


We do only what we are great on. If we tackle a project you can be 100% sure that it will be delivered right on time, within the set budget limits and at the top level. We get all our liabilities insured, including third-party liabilities, thus indemnifying our clients against all risks.

We do only what we are great on. If we tackle a project you can be 100% sure that it will be delivered right on time, within the set budget limits and at the top level. We get all our liabilities insured, including third-party liabilities, thus indemnifying our clients against all risks.

We do only what we are great on. If we tackle a project you can be 100% sure that it will be delivered right on time, within the set budget limits and at the top level. We get all our liabilities insured, including third-party liabilities, thus indemnifying our clients against all risks.


Yellow Hats has a cutting edge quality management system which ensures high quality standards at all sites.


We have a team of specialists capable of maximizing the result and delivering the projects of any complexity and scope.


The control mechanism allows secure & integrated monitoring of all stages of the works.

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Tanta , AlGharbia, Egypt.

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002 01065370701

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